Monday, March 19, 2007

7 Miles...Holy Cow Batman!@!@!@

This past weekend our team met as usual at the Hyatt to get in our weekly long walk. What was different this time for me was that 1). It was the highest mileage week for me so far...and 2). Coach Carole had asked me to map the route and lead the team.

Wait a sec...backup. You want me to do what Carole? Map the route and lead the team? Let me must be the person behind me you are talking to. Are you sure?

Of course I am pulling your leg...but it does fit into the theme of the last year. June 2006...262 pounds and on death's door. Ok, maybe not death's door...but heading there all the same. I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. I couldn't walk a mile. I was severely overweight.

My how things have changed, and I have the higher power to thank for it. I have been given a strength I didn't know existed to change my life.

I have lost 60 pounds. I can walk seven miles (I did it Saturday). I run up stairs. I learned to eat sensibly and still enjoy the occasional treat. As I told my friend has without a doubt been THE MIRACLE YEAR.

But I continue in not wanting my miracle to be all about me. I want it to be about helping others. I think I can do that in two ways... 1). Preach the weight-loss gospel. 2). Help raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and walk in a half marathon on their patient's behalf.

You can help LLS by making a donation toward my fund-raising goal through the link on the right-hand side. Please give generously.

I continue to be amazed in my soon to be 42nd year in finding that life STILL has tons to offer. Love. Fun. Wonderful Home. Unbelievable Family. And even in yer 59th year, my Wonderful Aunt Mimi is finding the same thing. As the cliche' says...IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE YOUNG.

Happiness is truly what you make it to be. And I continue to be blessed with a multitude of happiness. Thank you God.

Alaska Dawg

Ps. Please donate generously to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.


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