Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cold Weather Training

Training when the weather is really cold is like walking a tight-rope. It seems that whatever you some point you are either too hot, too cold, and unable to move.

I have tried very valiantly this winter to keep up with my walking. And although we have had some warm days and some moderate days, there have been some real cold times. Like Saturday two weeks ago. And today. And last Thursday. And then there was the day it snowed. I know you can see the picture.

I seem to have the most problems with my legs because if you have on one layer you are cold...but add an additional layer and you feel bound and like you can barely move. So most of the time I just choose one layer and freezing. I have tried a tight pair of running tights under my running pants. Not the best for movement...but I don't recall being cold on that walk.

The top portion is easier. It's easier to layer the top portion. I put on a dri-weave t-shirt and then a long sleeve wicking shirt then maybe another and then a fleece jacket. Over the weekend I found an actual fleece SHIRT here in Greenville and it is so warm. I wore it Sunday to walk and it was warm...but Sunday was almost Spring-like. So not a real big test.

I am looking forward to wearing it tonight on my five-miler. I am going to do dri-weaver and then the fleece shirt and then the fleece jacket. I am hoping that I will be fine.

Alaska Dawg


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