Thursday, February 01, 2007

Last June, I set off on a journey. I went looking for myself. I don't know why, but my 30's, as I look back on them, are a haze. I was overweight. I lost a long-time job. I went back to college at an age where people should be buying that bump-up house, not taking on college loans.

But a funny thing happened last June. I took control. I have dropped 52 pounds. I am walking 4-6 miles a day. I have rekindled and stoked all the wonderful friendships that were stagnant. I found happiness and contentment.

I found me. And after I found me, I decided to use me to help someone else.

On Tuesday January 30, 2007 I joined the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training (TNT) to walk my first half-marathon to be held in Anchoarage, Alaska on June 23rd, 2007. I can do it, I know I can. I have faith in myself, and I have faith in what I call my family...those of blood relation and those related by love...and the list is long.

Our team will be walking in honor of Leukemia patient Lee Foster, who resides here in Greenville. Lee has battled Leukemia since 2001. Lee runs everyday with his lab named Shelly. With no e. Every year, Leukemia and related cancers claim thousands of lives. I am fund-raising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for continued resarch for a cure.

If you are willing to help me reach my goal of $5000.00, please click on the link in the sidebar that will take you directly to my website where donations can be made via credit card.

You may also email me at to make a donation via check. All checks should be made out to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, or LLS for short. 75% of donations go directly to research.

I will also be sending out a letter in a few weeks with more details and with a lavendar ribbon enclosed. If you would like for me to walk in honor of a family member or friend that has been affected by cancer please write their name on the ribbon and mail it back to me in the enclosed self-stamped envelope. All ribbons received will be worn on a vest for the entire marathon, and I will send a picture of me at the finish line with all the ribbons to everyone that asked me to walk in honor of their loved one. I am asking for a $50.00 donation in their honor or memory.

My personal goal is to complete all my fund-raising by April 2007 so that I can concentrate on training from then on.

I hope that you will check back regularly for updates on my fund-raising progress and my training advancement.

Rosalyn aka Alaskan Dawg

The last year has finally taught me that anything is possible in life. ANYTHING.


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